Book Description
for Amazing Animal Adventures in Rivers by Brian Keating
From the Publisher
Canadian Children's Book Centre Our Choice, 2007
Rocky Mountain Book Award finalist, 2008
Amazing Animal Adventures in Rivers is the fourth of eight books incredible volumes in the ground-breaking Going Wild series, written for children to encourage them to explore the natural world around them.
Brian Keating's high-energy enthusiasm for the wonders of nature is contagious, inspiring children and adults alike to discover, through his eyes, how rivers and the riparian areas around them are ribbons of wilderness inhabited by the most amazing animals and plants. Keating grew up fascinated by rivers, those in his own back yard and ones farther afield.
Whether in the world's rivers on a canoe, raft, or swimming suit, or hiking and exploring the dense forests and woodlands surrounding them, Keating continues his tradition of bringing a world of natural surprises to his readers.
Join Keating as he describes:
- Floating down the Zambezi River, watching bull elephants play and swim in the deep water
- Grizzly tracks and making ice cream from glacial ice on a raft trip down the Tatshenshini River in Yukon Territory and Alaska
- Watching elephants dig wells and collecting water from those wells for showerbaths and cooking at Secret Springs in Africa
- The giant river otters of Guyana and the woman who works to preserve them
- Western Grebes mistaking the highway for Duck Lake at the Creston Valley Wildlife Centre in British Columbia
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